35 research outputs found

    The Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal conjecture for caterpillars and their complements

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    The celebrated Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal conjecture states that for every proper hereditary graph class G\mathcal{G} there exists a constant ε=ε(G)>0\varepsilon = \varepsilon(\mathcal{G}) > 0 such that every graph GGG \in \mathcal{G} contains a clique or an independent set of size V(G)ε|V(G)|^\varepsilon. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the symmetrized variant of this conjecture, where one additionally requires G\mathcal{G} to be closed under complementation. We show that any hereditary graph class that is closed under complementation and excludes a fixed caterpillar as an induced subgraph satisfies the Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal conjecture. Here, a caterpillar is a tree whose vertices of degree at least three lie on a single path (i.e., our caterpillars may have arbitrarily long legs). In fact, we prove a stronger property of such graph classes, called in the literature the strong Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal property: for every such graph class G\mathcal{G}, there exists a constant δ=δ(G)>0\delta = \delta(\mathcal{G}) > 0 such that every graph GGG \in \mathcal{G} contains two disjoint sets A,BV(G)A,B \subseteq V(G) of size at least δV(G)\delta|V(G)| each so that either all edges between AA and BB are present in GG, or none of them. This result significantly extends the family of graph classes for which we know that the strong Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal property holds; for graph classes excluding a graph HH and its complement it was previously known only for paths [Bousquet, Lagoutte, Thomass\'{e}, JCTB 2015] and hooks (i.e., paths with an additional pendant vertex at third vertex of the path) [Choromanski, Falik, Liebenau, Patel, Pilipczuk, arXiv:1508.00634]

    Asymptotic enumeration of graphs by degree sequence, and the degree sequence of a random graph

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    In this paper we relate a fundamental parameter of a random graph, its degree sequence, to a simple model of nearly independent binomial random variables. This confirms a conjecture made in 1997. As a result, many interesting functions of the joint distribution of graph degrees, such as the distribution of the median degree, become amenable to estimation. Our result is established by proving an asymptotic formula conjectured in 1990 for the number of graphs with given degree sequence. In particular, this gives an asymptotic formula for the number of dd-regular graphs for all dd, as nn\to\infty.Comment: The new version contains a modification of the main proof that makes the calculation component easie

    A non-trivial upper bound on the threshold bias of the Oriented-cycle game

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    In the Oriented-cycle game, introduced by Bollob\'as and Szab\'o, two players, called OMaker and OBreaker, alternately direct edges of KnK_n. OMaker directs exactly one edge, whereas OBreaker is allowed to direct between one and bb edges. OMaker wins if the final tournament contains a directed cycle, otherwise OBreaker wins. Bollob\'as and Szab\'o conjectured that for a bias as large as n3n-3 OMaker has a winning strategy if OBreaker must take exactly bb edges in each round. It was shown recently by Ben-Eliezer, Krivelevich and Sudakov, that OMaker has a winning strategy for this game whenever bn22b\leq \frac{n}{2}-2. In this paper, we show that OBreaker has a winning strategy whenever b5n6+2b\geq \frac{5n}{6}+2. Moreover, in case OBreaker is required to direct exactly bb edges in each move, we show that OBreaker wins for b19n20b\geq \frac{19n}{20}, provided that nn is large enough. This refutes the conjecture by Bollob\'as and Szab\'o.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Ramsey equivalence of KnK_n and Kn+Kn1K_n+K_{n-1}

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    We prove that, for n4n\geq 4, the graphs KnK_n and Kn+Kn1K_n+K_{n-1} are Ramsey equivalent. That is, if GG is such that any red-blue colouring of its edges creates a monochromatic KnK_n then it must also possess a monochromatic Kn+Kn1K_n+K_{n-1}

    On the Concentration of the Domination Number of the Random Graph

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    In this paper we study the behaviour of the domination number of the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph G(n,p)\mathcal{G}(n,p). Extending a result of Wieland and Godbole we show that the domination number of G(n,p)\mathcal{G}(n,p) is equal to one of two values asymptotically almost surely whenever pln2nnp \gg \frac{\ln^2n}{\sqrt{n}}. The explicit values are exactly at the first moment threshold, that is where the expected number of dominating sets starts to tend to infinity. For small pp we also provide various non-concentration results which indicate why some sort of lower bound on the probability pp is necessary in our first theorem. Concentration, though not on a constant length interval, is proven for every p1/np\gg 1/n. These results show that unlike in the case of pln2nnp \gg \frac{\ln^2n}{\sqrt{n}} where concentration of the domination number happens around the first moment threshold, for p=O(lnn/n)p = O(\ln n/n) it does so around the median. In particular, in this range the two are far apart from each other

    The random graph intuition for the tournament game

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    In the tournament game two players, called Maker and Breaker, alternately take turns in claiming an unclaimed edge of the complete graph on n vertices and selecting one of the two possible orientations. Before the game starts, Breaker fixes an arbitrary tournament T_k on k vertices. Maker wins if, at the end of the game, her digraph contains a copy of T_k; otherwise Breaker wins. In our main result, we show that Maker has a winning strategy for k = (2-o(1))log_2 n, improving the constant factor in previous results of Beck and the second author. This is asymptotically tight since it is known that for k = (2-o(1))log_2 n Breaker can prevent that the underlying graph of Maker's graph contains a k-clique. Moreover the precise value of our lower bound differs from the upper bound only by an additive constant of 12. We also discuss the question whether the random graph intuition, which suggests that the threshold for k is asymptotically the same for the game played by two "clever" players and the game played by two "random" players, is supported by the tournament game: It will turn out that, while a straightforward application of this intuition fails, a more subtle version of it is still valid. Finally, we consider the orientation-game version of the tournament game, where Maker wins the game if the final digraph -- containing also the edges directed by Breaker -- possesses a copy of T_k. We prove that in that game Breaker has a winning strategy for k = (4+o(1))log_2 n

    On minimal Ramsey graphs and Ramsey equivalence in multiple colours

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    For an integer q2q\ge 2, a graph GG is called qq-Ramsey for a graph HH if every qq-colouring of the edges of GG contains a monochromatic copy of HH. If GG is qq-Ramsey for HH, yet no proper subgraph of GG has this property then GG is called qq-Ramsey-minimal for HH. Generalising a statement by Burr, Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and R\"odl from 1977 we prove that, for q3q\ge 3, if GG is a graph that is not qq-Ramsey for some graph HH then GG is contained as an induced subgraph in an infinite number of qq-Ramsey-minimal graphs for HH, as long as HH is 33-connected or isomorphic to the triangle. For such HH, the following are some consequences. (1) For 2r<q2\le r< q, every rr-Ramsey-minimal graph for HH is contained as an induced subgraph in an infinite number of qq-Ramsey-minimal graphs for HH. (2) For every q3q\ge 3, there are qq-Ramsey-minimal graphs for HH of arbitrarily large maximum degree, genus, and chromatic number. (3) The collection {Mq(H):H is 3-connected or K3}\{{\cal M}_q(H) : H \text{ is 3-connected or } K_3\} forms an antichain with respect to the subset relation, where Mq(H){\cal M}_q(H) denotes the set of all graphs that are qq-Ramsey-minimal for HH. We also address the question which pairs of graphs satisfy Mq(H1)=Mq(H2){\cal M}_q(H_1)={\cal M}_q(H_2), in which case H1H_1 and H2H_2 are called qq-equivalent. We show that two graphs H1H_1 and H2H_2 are qq-equivalent for even qq if they are 22-equivalent, and that in general qq-equivalence for some q3q\ge 3 does not necessarily imply 22-equivalence. Finally we indicate that for connected graphs this implication may hold: Results by Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and R\"odl and by Fox, Grinshpun, Liebenau, Person and Szab\'o imply that the complete graph is not 22-equivalent to any other connected graph. We prove that this is the case for an arbitrary number of colours

    Fast strategies in Maker-Breaker games played on random boards

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    In this paper we analyze classical Maker-Breaker games played on the edge set of a sparse random board G\sim \gnp. We consider the Hamiltonicity game, the perfect matching game and the kk-connectivity game. We prove that for p(n)polylog(n)/np(n)\geq \text{polylog}(n)/n, the board G\sim \gnp is typically such that Maker can win these games asymptotically as fast as possible, i.e. within n+o(n)n+o(n), n/2+o(n)n/2+o(n) and kn/2+o(n)kn/2+o(n) moves respectively

    Asymptotic enumeration of digraphs and bipartite graphs by degree sequence

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    We provide asymptotic formulae for the numbers of bipartite graphs with given degree sequence, and of loopless digraphs with given in- and out-degree sequences, for a wide range of parameters. Our results cover medium range densities and close the gaps between the results known for the sparse and dense ranges. In the case of bipartite graphs, these results were proved by Greenhill, McKay and Wang in 2006 and by Canfield, Greenhill and McKay in 2008, respectively. Our method also essentially covers the sparse range, for which much less was known in the case of loopless digraphs. For the range of densities which our results cover, they imply that the degree sequence of a random bipartite graph with m edges is accurately modelled by a sequence of independent binomial random variables, conditional upon the sum of variables in each part being equal to m. A similar model also holds for loopless digraphs

    Caterpillars in Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal

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    Let TT be a tree such that all its vertices of degree more than two lie on one path, that is, TT is a caterpillar subdivision. We prove that there exists ϵ>0\epsilon>0 such that for every graph GG with V(G)2|V(G)|\ge 2 not containing TT as an induced subgraph, either some vertex has at least ϵV(G)\epsilon|V(G)| neighbours, or there are two disjoint sets of vertices A,BA,B, both of cardinality at least ϵV(G)\epsilon|V(G)|, where there is no edge joining AA and BB. A consequence is: for every caterpillar subdivision TT, there exists c>0c>0 such that for every graph GG containing neither of TT and its complement as an induced subgraph, GG has a clique or stable set with at least V(G)c|V(G)|^c vertices. This extends a theorem of Bousquet, Lagoutte and Thomass\'e [JCTB 2015], who proved the same when TT is a path, and a recent theorem of Choromanski, Falik, Liebenau, Patel and Pilipczuk [Electron. J. Combin. 2018], who proved it when TT is a "hook"